From Currency To Ritual: The History Of The Olympic Medal Bite

A flash of gold, a roar of triumph, then a surprising twist: the champion takes a playful bite of their Olympic medal. Well, Olympic champions taking a bite out of their gold medals is an iconic sight. But why do they do it? Is it just for fun, or is there a deeper reason behind it?

A flash of gold, a roar of triumph, then a surprising twist: the champion takes a playful bite of their Olympic medal. One of the most memorable images is when Olympic champions bite on their gold medals. Why, though, do they do it? Is it purely recreational, or is there a deeper reason behind it?

From Currency To Ritual: The History Of The Olympic Medal Bite

Fans and non-fans alike have frequently been curious about this odd custom of biting the Olympic medal. But this act isn’t just a quirky habit but it carries deep meaning, connecting athletes and viewers through history and symbolism.


Let’s find out the story behind this strange tradition.

The Root of the ‘Medal-Biting’ Tradition

The origin of this tradition goes back to ancient Greece, where gold was used as a currency and was a highly valued commodity. Gold, a soft metal, leaves teeth marks. Therefore, people used to bite them to verify the gold coin’s authenticity. If the coins were genuine, it would leave a mark on the teeth. This simple method of biting the coin is used to help people distinguish real gold from fake metal.

From Currency To Ritual: The History Of The Olympic Medal Bite

Well, in the early days of the Olympics, athletes often bit their medals to check their authenticity. However, unlike before, now the medals are made of silver with a thin plating of gold.

The Tradition Of Biting Olympic Medal Lives On

While modern Olympic medals are no longer solid pure gold as, since 1912, the tradition of biting has persisted. But the tradition has now evolved into a symbolic gesture at the Olympic Games as the winners bite their medals as a way to celebrate their win.

While the Olympic champions aren’t checking for purity with the metal disc in their mouths, it has become an iconic photo opportunity for photographers.

It is important to note that athletes usually do not bite down hard, despite the amazing appearance of the bite. It’s more like a light snack meant for the camera.

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